upcoming competitionS
WELCOME TO OUR NEW AQUAVENTURE REGISTRATION FORMAT! As we move towards making the process of registering for AquaVenture easy for our artists, we are thrilled at the opportunity for organizing the exhibit in a way in which it can be viewed virtually on the KWS website starting March 15, 2021. Registering using the following Google form/prospectus will allow the process to be a "one stop shop." Participants will register by answering each question and will describe and upload your art on the document. You can retain a copy of your submission electronically, and will receive an email verification that your registration has been completed upon submission of this online form .
Due to the unprecedented effect of Covid-19 in our world and the desire to keep artists and the public safe, AquaVenture 2021 will be conducted as an online virtual exhibit. We are committed to showcasing the art of our wonderful artists and encourage the public to continue to enjoy art exhibits in a safe manner.
Entry Deadline: February 8, 2021
Juror Review: February 12- February 26, 2021
Notifications Sent By: March 1, 2021
On line virtual show: March 15- April 30, 2021
AquaVenture is a regional exhibit open to KWS members and non-members 18 years of age or older. Non-members of KWS must reside in KY, IN, OH, TN, or WV.
Any painting accepted into a previous juried KWS exhibit is ineligible. Accepted paintings cannot be substituted or withdrawn from exhibition. Work must have been completed in 2016 or later. Artwork must be original: conceived and created by artist. Using prints or copied work of another artist or copies of published pictures or photographs are not considered original art work. Prints or original copies will not be accepted. No nudes. Paintings must be in water-based media (watercolor, acrylic, gouache). Accepted paintings must be rendered in an aqueous manner on paper. Mixed media/collage must be at least 75% water based media.
Minimum unframed size is 8” x 10.” There is no maximum size limit for this show.
Non-refundable check payable to Kentucky Watercolor Society, or you may make the entry fee payment via the link given at the end of the Google form linked below, or on the link to PayPal at the bottom of this page. You may also pay your KWS membership on PayPal at that time, as well. Please make a notation if you are paying both membership and entry fee for AquaVenture 2021 entry/s.
KWS Members: $35 for up to three entries
Non-members: $55 for up to three entries.
Please mail checks to Trudi Bellou at 4308 Alton Rd. Louisville, KY 40207
Artists may enter up to 3 paintings, but only one painting per artist will be accepted into the show. Artists are strongly encouraged to register and submit digital images through this Google Doc format which is easily filled out right on your computer. Digital images can easily be uploaded to this format. No need to download or copy and send anything.
Digital images must meet the following specifications for entry:
1. Crop the image so the entire painting is visible without extraneous background or framing showing. The saved image should represent the painting exactly and be oriented correctly.
2. File format must be JPEG, highest quality: (300 dpi, minimum of 1800 pixels on longest side); no compression.
3. No digital enhancement is allowed.
4. Name each digital file as follows: “Last Name. First Initial. PaintingTitle.jpg”.
For example: “Monet C. Waterlillies.jpg”
New to Digital? IT IS CRITICAL that your digital images are of the highest quality in order to represent your art to the juror for inclusion in the exhibit. The Transparent Watercolor Society has helpful information on preparing images at and
However, if you must submit by email or USPS, please include all required information including:
name, address, phone #, email, current status and paid up KWS membership, and correct entry fee by PayPal or non-refundable check made to KWS.
For each digital, CD or flash drive submission identify:
painting #, title, size by height and width, medium, year, and sale price or NFS.
If you send a flash drive or CD, label it in permanent ink with the artist’s name, entry# and title(s) of painting(s). Flash drives or CD’s will not be returned.
Submit images digitally by email to AquaVenture Chairperson, Trudi Bellou, at or mail flash drives or CD to Trudi Bellou at 4308 Alton Rd., Louisville, KY 40207.
Acceptance notices will be e-mailed to the artist. If you do not have e-mail, include a self-addressed stamped envelope with $.55 postage.
For questions about entries please contact the co-chairperson:
Trudi Bellou Cell phone: (502)541-7543. Email:
Sherrie Graham-Greene Cell Phone: (859) 492-2692 Email:
Entry will not be considered complete until the entry fee and completed form are received by the deadline.
Unframed paintings may be for sale or not for sale. KWS will retain 30% commission on sales. Artists will be responsible for the cost of shipping their art to the buyer. Once KWS has received payment for the art and verifies that the buyer has received the art, KWS will then write a check to the artist.
Artist assumes all liability and insurance for the submitted painting/s and will not hold either KWS responsible for damages or losses incurred for shipping a piece of art bought through the AquaVenture 2021 show.
AQUAVENTURE 2021 AWARDS presented by the Kentucky Watercolor Society
1st Place: $300
2nd Place: $200
3rd Place: $100
2 Honorable Mentions: $25 each
Additional awards to be announced
Juror: The juror for this exhibit is award winning artist, Marianna McDonald. See more about her and her work at